Abstract.   This is a collection of short notes I am creating for a reading group on $ \infty $-categories and higher algebra at Indiana University in the spring of 2024. Some of these notes are from talks given by other participants; I have indicated where.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to $ \infty $-categories
  2. Model categories and $ \infty $-categories
  3. Fibrations, adjoints, Kan extensions
  4. dg and stable $ \infty $-categories
  5. References

1. Introduction to infinity categories

  The simplex category has objects sets \([n] = \{ 0, 1, \dots, n \}\) equipped with the usual linear ordering, and it has morphisms functions $ f \colon [m] \to [n] $ which respect the ordering, i.e., $ i \leq j $ implies $ f(i) \leq f(j) $.

  A presheaf of sets on $ \Delta $, i.e., a contravariant functor $ X \colon \Delta \to \text{Set} $, is called a simplicial set; we denote $ X([n]) $ by $ X_n $. A morphism of simplicial sets is a natural transformation of functors. Write $ \text{Set}_{\Delta} $ for the category of simplicial sets.

  The simplicial set

\[\Delta^n([m]) = \text{Hom}_{\Delta}([m], [n])\]

is called the standard $ n $-simplex. The Yoneda lemma tells us

\[X_n = \text{Hom}_{\text{Set}_{\Delta}}(\Delta^n, X).\]

  The simplicial subset of $ \Delta^n $

\[\Lambda_i^n([m]) = \{f \in \Delta^n([m]) \mid f([m]) \cup \{ i \} \neq [n] \}\]

is called the $ i $-th horn; it is referred to as being inner if $ 0 < i < n $ and outer if $ i = 0, n $. Lurie visualizes $ \Lambda_0^2 $, $ \Lambda_1^2 $, and $ \Lambda_2^2 $, respectively, as follows:

\[\xymatrix{ \{1\} \ar@{.>}[dr] \\ \{0\} \ar[u] \ar[r] & \{2\} } \quad \xymatrix{ \{1\} \ar[dr] \\ \{0\} \ar[u] \ar@{.>}[r] & \{2\} } \quad \xymatrix{ \{1\} \ar[dr] \\ \{0\} \ar@{.>}[u] \ar[r] & \{2\} }\]

Here, when performing the operation "\(\cup \{ i \}\)", we add any arrows touching the vertex \(\{ i \}\) to the diagram.

  Let $ X $ be a simplicial set and $ \iota \colon \Lambda_i^n \hookrightarrow \Delta^n $ the inclusion. We say $ X $ is a Kan complex if, for any horn $ \Lambda_i^n $ and morphism $ f_0 \colon \Lambda_i^n \to X $, there exists a morphism $ f \colon \Delta^n \to X $ such that $ f \circ \iota = f_0 $; pictorially, the following diagram must commute:

\[\xymatrix{ \Lambda_i^n \ar[r]^{f_0} \ar[d]_{\iota} & X \\ \Delta^n \ar@{.>}[ur]_{f} }\]

Example 1.1.   Let $ A $ be a compactly generated topological space. We define a simplicial set $ \text{Sing}(A) $ as follows. Write $ \vert \Delta^n \vert $ for the geometric realization of $ \Delta^n $, i.e., the topological $ n $-simplex in $ \mathbb{R}^n $. We put

\[\text{Sing}_n(A) = \text{Hom}_{\text{Top}}(\vert \Delta^n \vert, A)\]

to be the set of singular $ n $-simplices. Each $ f \colon [m] \to [n] $ determines a morphism $ \text{Sing}_n(A) \to \text{Sing}_m(A) $ by precomposing with the map

\[\vert \Delta^m \vert \to \vert \Delta^n \vert, \qquad (t_0, \dots, t_n) \to \left( \sum_{f(i)= 0} t_i, \dots, \sum_{f(i)= n} t_i \right).\]

$ \text{Sing} $ is a functor from topological spaces to simplicial sets, whose left adjoint is the geometric realization functor $ \vert \cdot \vert $.

Proposition 1.2.   $ \text{Sing}(A) $ is a Kan complex.

Proof. The adjunction $ \vert \cdot \vert \dashv \text{Sing}(\cdot) $ implies the following diagram:

\[\xymatrix{ \text{Hom}_{Top}(\vert \Delta^n \vert, A) \ar[r]^{\cong} \ar[d]_{\vert \iota \vert^*} & \text{Hom}_{Set_{\Delta}}(\Delta^n, \text{Sing}(A)) \ar[d]^{\iota^*} \\ \text{Hom}_{Top}(\vert \Gamma_i^n \vert, A) \ar[r]^{\cong} & \text{Hom}_{Set_{\Delta}}(\Lambda_i^n, \text{Sing}(A)) }\]

This reduces the problem of lifting $ f_0 \colon \Lambda_i^n \to \text{Sing}(A) $ to lifting the associated $ \vert f_0 \vert \colon \vert \Lambda_i^n \vert \to A $. Let $ r \colon \Delta^n \to \Lambda_i^n $ be a continuous retract. We conclude that $ \vert f \vert \colon \vert \Delta^n \vert \to A $ given by $ \vert f \vert = \vert f_0 \vert \circ r $ is our desired map. Q.E.D.

Example 1.3.   Let $ \mathcal{C} $ be a small category. Define a simplicial set $ N(\mathcal{C}) $, the nerve of $ \mathcal{C} $, by considering functors

\[N_n(\mathcal{C}) = \text{Fun}([n], \mathcal{C}).\]

Here, we are considering $ [n] $ as the category with objects $ {0, 1, \dots, n} $ and arrows $ i \to j $ if $ i \leq j $. Explicitly, objects of $ N_n(\mathcal{C}) $ are composable sequences of morphisms

\[\xymatrix{ C_1 \ar[r]^{f_1} & C_2 \ar[r]^{f_2} & \cdots \ar[r]^{f_n} & C_n. }\]

The following proposition tells us we can consider the nerve as a weak Kan complex, meaning it satisfies the Kan lifting condition for all inner horns.

Proposition 1.4.   Let $ X $ be a simplicial set. The following are equivalent:

(1) There exists a small category and an isomorphism $ X \cong N(\mathcal{C}) $.

(2) For each inner horn, $ 0 < i < n $, and diagram

\[\xymatrix{ \Lambda_i^n \ar[r]^{f_0} \ar[d]_{\iota} & X \\ \Delta^n, \ar@{.>}[ur]_{f} }\]

there exists a unique dotted arrow making it commute.

Proof. This is of [3]. We only sketch a couple of main ideas without providing a complete proof.

$ (1) \implies (2) $   Let $ g_k \colon X_{k-1} \to X_k $ denote the restriction $ f_0 \mid \Delta^{{ k-1, k }} $. Composing our $ g_k $,

\[\xymatrix{ X_1 \ar[r]^{g_1} & X_2 \ar[r]^{g_2} & \cdots \ar[r]^{g_n} & X_n, }\]

determines an $ n $-simplex $ f \colon \Delta^n \to X $.

$ (2) \implies (1) $   We mention the proof of associativity law of the composition operator. Consider a sequence of morphisms

\[\xymatrix{ w \ar[r]^{f} & x \ar[r]^{g} & y \ar[r]^{h} & z. }\]

We have the following 3 faces of the 4-sided 3-simplex:

\[\xymatrix{ x \ar[dr]^{g} \\ w \ar[u]^{f} \ar[r]_{g \circ f} & y } \quad \xymatrix{ y \ar[dr]^{h} \\ x \ar[u]^{g} \ar[r]_{h \circ g} & z } \quad \xymatrix{ y \ar[dr]^{h} \\ w \ar[u]^{g \circ f} \ar[r]_{h \circ (g \circ f)} & z }\]

By (2), we get a unique fourth face:

\[\xymatrix{ x \ar[dr]^{h \circ g} \\ w \ar[u]^{f} \ar[r]_{h \circ (g \circ f)} & z }\]

Thus, the associativity law $ h \circ (g \circ f) = (h \circ g) \circ f $. Q.E.D.

  We define a simplicial set $ X $ to be an $ \infty $-category if it is a weak Kan complex; i.e., for each inner horn, $ 0 < i < n $, and diagram

\[\xymatrix{ \Lambda_i^n \ar[r]^{f_0} \ar[d]_{\iota} & X \\ \Delta^n, \ar@{.>}[ur]_{f} }\]

there there exists a dotted arrow making it commute. Note that the dotted arrow is not required to be unique, contrasting the case of the nerve of a category, and it is not required to exist on outer horns, unlike $ \text{Sing}(A) $. Thus, $ \infty $-categories can be thought of as a generalized framework for small category theory and algebraic topology.

  Up to a notion of homotopy equivalence, $ \infty $-categories are equivalent to $ (\infty, 1) $-categories. That is categories with $ n $-morphisms for each $ n \in \mathbb{N} $, where the $ n $-morphisms for $ n > 1 $ are invertible. Lurie proves this in 1.1. of [3].

  In particular, a topological category $ T $ is a category enriched over compactly generated Hausdorff spaces. A simplicial category $ C $ is a category enriched over simplicial sets; we denote this category \(\text{Cat}_{\Delta}\). The simplicial nerve \(N \colon \text{Cat}_{\Delta} \to \text{Set}_{\Delta}\) is characterized by

\[\text{Hom}_{\text{Set}_{\Delta}}(\Delta, N(C)) \cong \text{Hom}_{\text{Cat}_{\Delta}}(\mathfrak{C}[\Delta^n], C)\]

for some simplicial category $ \mathfrak{C}[\Delta^n] $ which we will not define here. We set $ N(T) $ to be $ N(\text{Sing}(T)) $. Theorem in [3] asserts that the conunit

\[\vert \text{Hom}_{\mathfrak{C}[N(T)]}(x, y) \vert \to \text{Hom}_T(x, y)\]

is a weak homotopy equivalence of topological spaces. Since we are interested in objects up to homotopy equivalence, we consider $ \infty $-categories and topological categories to be the same.

2. Model categories and infinity categories

From a talk by Vladimir Shein

  Let $ \mathcal{M} $ be a category. Then we call $ \mathcal{M} $ a model category $ \mathcal{M} $ if it has 3 distinguished classes of morphisms called weak equivalences $ W $, fibrations $ \text{Fib} $, and cofibrations $ \text{Cof} $, which satisfy the following axioms:

(Composition) Each class is closed under composition and contains the identity morphism $ \text{Id}_X $ for every $ X $ in $ \mathcal{M} $.

(Bicomplete) Finite limits and colimits exist in $ \mathcal{M} $. (2-out-of-3) Let $ f \colon X \to Y $ and $ g \colon Y \to Z $ be morphisms in $ \mathcal{M} $. Then if two of $ f $, $ g $, and $ g \circ f $ are in $ W $, then so is the third.

(Retractions) Let $ f \colon X \to X' $ be a retract of $ g \colon Y \to Y' $, i.e., there exists morphisms $ r, i, r', i' $ with \(r \circ i = \text{Id}_X\) and \(r' \circ i' = \text{Id}_{X'}\), which fit into the following commuting diagram:

\[\xymatrix{ Y \ar[r]^{g} \ar[d]^{r} & Y' \ar[d]_{r'} \\ X \ar[r]_f \ar@/^/[u]^{i} & X'. \ar@/_/[u]_{i'} }\]

If $ g $ is in $ W $, $ \text{Fib} $, or $ \text{Cof} $, then so is $ f $.

(Lifting) Consider the diagram

\[\xymatrix{ A \ar[r]^{f} \ar[d]_i & X \ar[d]^{p} \\ B \ar[r]_{g} \ar@{.>}[ur]^{h} & Y. }\]

Let $ i \in \text{Cof} $ and $ p \in \text{Fib} $. If $ i \in W $ or $ p \in W $, then there exists an $ h \colon B \to X $ making the diagram commute.

(Factorization) Any $ f \colon X \to Y $ can be factored in two ways

\[\xymatrix{ X \ar[d]_j \ar[r]^{i} \ar[dr]^f & A \ar[d]^p \\ B \ar[r]_{q} & Y }\]

where $ i, j \in \text{Cof} $, $ p, q \in \text{Fib} $, and $ i, q \in W $.

  We call the elements in $ \text{Fib} \cap W $ trivial (or acyclic) fibrations, and the elements in $ \text{Cof} \cap W $ trivial (or acyclic) cofibrations. The bicompleteness axiom implies $ \mathcal{M} $ contains initial and terminal objects; letting $ D \colon \varnothing \to \mathcal{C} $ be the empty diagram, we get that $ \text{colim} j $ is the initial object, and $ \lim j $ is the terminal object. It need not be pointed, i.e., have a zero object.

Example 2.1.   Consider the category of topological spaces $ \text{Top} $; we can endow it with a model structure. $ W $ is the set of homotopy equivalences, i.e., continuous functions $ f \colon X \to Y $ such that $ f $ induces isomorphisms $ f_* \colon \pi_n(X) \to f_*(Y) $. $ \text{Fib} $ are Serre fibrations, i.e., $ f $ for which the right lifting problem

\[\xymatrix{ \{0\} \times \vert \Delta^n \vert \ar[r] \ar@{^{(}->}[d] & X \ar[d]^{p} \\ \vert \Delta^n \vert \ar[r] \ar@{.>}[ur] & Y }\]

admits a solution. Finally, $ \text{Cof} $ consists of the retracts of relative cell complexes.

Example 2.2.   Consider the category of simplicial sets $ \text{Set}_{\Delta} $. $ W $ is the set of maps that induce a weak equivalence on the geometric realizations, $ \text{Fib} $ are Kan fibrations, and $ \text{Cof} $ is the collection of monomorphisms.

Example 2.3.   Consider the category of chain complexes of $ R $-modules. $ W $ is the set of quasi-isomorphisms, $ \text{Fib} $ are chain maps $ f $ such that each $ f_n \colon X_n \to Y_n $ is surjective, and $ \text{Cof} $ are chain maps $ g $ such that each $ g_n \colon X_n \hookrightarrow Y_n $ is injective with projective cokernel.

  Let $ \mathcal{M} $ be a model category. We call $ \text{Ho}(\mathcal{M}) = W^{-1} \mathcal{M} $ the homotopy category of $ \mathcal{M} $, where inversion means each weak equivalence becomes an isomorphism. We say that $ f, g \colon X \to Y $ are homotopic if there exists a commutative diagram

\[\xymatrix{ X \ar[d]^{i} \ar[dr]^{f} \\ C(X) \ar[r]^{h} \ar@/^/[u]^{p}\ar@/_/[d]_{p} & Y \\ X \ar[ur]_{g} \ar[u]_{j} }\]

such that $ p $ is a acyclic fibration with $ p \circ i = p \circ j = \text{Id}_C $, and that

\[\textstyle i \coprod j \colon X \coprod X \to C(X)\]

is a cofibration.

  We say that $ X $ is fibrant (resp. cofibrant) if the unique map from the initial (resp. terminal) object, $ \varnothing \to X $ (resp. $ X \to * $), is a fibration (resp. cofibration). If $ X $ is cofibrant and $ Y $ is fibrant, then homotopy equivalence $ \sim $ is an equivalence relation compatible with composition. Hence, the quotient $ C^{cf}/\sim $, fibrant or cofibrant objects modulo homotopy, is well defined.

Theorem 4.   The natural functor $ Q \colon (C^{cf}/\sim) \to \text{Ho}(C) $ is an equivalence of categories.

Proof. See theorem 1 in [6]. Q.E.D.

Example 2.1'.   $ \text{Ho(Top)} $, up to equivalence, has objects CW-complexes and morphisms homotopy classes of continuous maps.

Example 2.2'.   $ \text{Ho}(\text{Set}_{\Delta}) \cong \text{Ho(Top)} $ via the geometric realization functor.

Example 2.3'.   $ \text{Ho}(Ch(R)) \cong D(R) $, where $ D(R) $ is the derived category.

Theorem 2.4 (CITE)   Let $ C \in \text{Set}_{\Delta} $. Then $ C $ is fibrant if and only if $ C $ is an $ \infty $-category.

  Let \(T \in \text{Cat}_{\Delta}\) be a simplicial category, i.e., a category enriched over simplicial sets. It has morphisms functors $ F \colon T \to T' $ such that

\[F \colon \text{Hom}_T(x, y) \to \text{Hom}_{T'}(F(x), F(y))\]

a map of simplicial sets. The inclusion \(\text{Cat} \hookrightarrow \text{Cat}_{\Delta}\) has a left adjoint \([\cdot] \colon \text{Cat}_{\Delta} \to \text{Cat}\), where $ \text{Ob}([T]) = \text{Ob}(T) $, and

\[\text{Hom}_{[T]}(x, y) = \pi_0(\text{Map}(x, y)).\]

We call $ [T] $ the homotopy category of $ T $. A functor $ F $ is called a Dwyer-Kan (DK) equivalence if $ [F] $ is essentially surjective, and

\[F \colon \text{Hom}_T(x, y) \to \text{Hom}_{T'}(F(x), F(y))\]

is a weak equivalence of simplicial sets.

  \(\text{Cat}_{\Delta}\) has a model structure with $ W $ being DK equivalences, and fibrations being functors $ F \colon T \to T' $ such that $ \text{Hom}(x, y) \to \text{Hom}(F(x), F(y)) $ is a Kan fibration which lifts morphisms at a fixed point. We denote \(\text{Cat}_{\Delta}\) with this model structure \((\text{Cat}_{\Delta})_{DK}\).

  $ \text{Set}_{\Delta} $ comes equipped with a Joyal model structure, denoted \((\text{Set}_{\Delta})_{\text{Joy}}\). We put $ W $ to be the set of weak categorical equivalences, i.e., maps $ A \to B $ such that $ \text{Hom}(A, C) \to \text{Hom}(B, C) $ induces an equivalence of simplicial categories for any $ C $. $ \text{Fib} $ is the collection of quasi-fibrations, meaning maps $ F \colon X \to Y $ which have the right lifting property with respect to the inclusion $ \Lambda_i^n \to \Delta^n $. Finally, $ \text{Cof} $ are monomorphisms.

Theorem 2.5.   $ C $ and $ N $ determine a Quillen equivalence between $ (\text{Set}_{\Delta})_{\text{Joy}} $ and $ (\text{Cat}_{\Delta})_{DK} $.

Proof. See theorem in [3]. Q.E.D.

3. Fibrations, adjoints, Kan extensions

  Let $ X $ and $ X' $ be simplicial sets. The (convolution) product of $ X $ and $ X' $ is given by

\[(X \star X')([n]) = \coprod_{[n] = I \cup I'},\]

where the union is taken over all disjoint decompositions $ J = I \cup I' $ such that $ i < i' $ for $ i \in I $, $i' \in I $.

  Let $ C $ be an $ \infty $-category and $ p \colon I \to C $ be a map of simplicial sets. The slice category $ C_{/p} $ is characterized by the universal property, for every $ X \in \text{Set}_{\Delta} $,

\[\text{Hom}_{\text{Set}_{\Delta}}(X, C_{/p}) = \text{Hom}_p(X \star I, C),\]

where the "$ p $" on the R.H.S. means we only consider $ f \colon Y \star I \to C $ such that $ f \vert_{I} = p $. The dual notion to $ C_{/p} $ is $ C_{p/} $.

  An explicit way of defining the slice categories is by considering the diagrams in $ \text{Fun}(-, C) $, taking $ C \cong \text{Fun}(*, C) $,

\[C_{/p} = C \times_{\text{Fun}(I, C)} \text{Fun}([1] \times I, C) \times_{\text{Fun}(I, C)} \{ p \}\]


\[C_{p/} = \{p\} \times_{\text{Fun}(I, C)} \text{Fun}([1] \times I, C) \times_{\text{Fun}(I, C)} C,\]

where the maps $ \text{Fun}([1] \times I, C) \to \text{Fun}(I, C) $ are given by evaluation at $ 1 $ and $ 0 $ in $ [1] $.

  The limit of $ p $, $ \lim p $, is defined as a final object in $ C_{/p} $. The colimit of $ p $, $ \text{colim} \, p $, is an initial object in $ C_{p/} $. By final (resp. initial), we mean up to homotopy equivalence, i.e., $ A $ is initial if $ \text{Hom}(A, X) $ (resp. $ \text{Hom}(X, A) $) is contractible for every $ X $.

  Let $ D $ be an $ \infty $-category. Write $ \text{Cat}_{/D} $ for the category of morphisms $ F \colon C \to D $.

  We say $ F $ has the right lifting property with respect to $ \iota \colon \Lambda_i^n \hookrightarrow \Delta^n $ if any diagram

\[\xymatrix{ \Lambda_i^n \ar[r] \ar[d]_{\iota} & C \ar[d]^{F} \\ \Delta^n \ar@{.>}[ur]_{f} \ar[r] & D }\]

has a solution. If for inner horns (resp. any horn), $ 0 < i < n $ (resp. $ 0 \leq i \leq n $), the diagram has a solution, we say $ F $ is an inner (resp. Kan) fibration. If $ F $ has the right lifting property for $ \partial \Delta^n \to \Delta^n $ for every $ n $, then we call $ F $ a trivial Kan fibration.

  Let $ F $ be an inner fibration, and let $ e \colon o_0 \to o_1 $ be an edge in $ O $. If the map

\[C_{/e} \to C_{/o_1} \times_{D_{/F(o_1)}} C_{/F(e)}\]

is a trivial fibration, then we call $ e $ an $ F $-fibration.

  We say $ F $ is a Cartesian fibration if $ F $ is an inner fibration and, for every edge $ e \colon d_o \to d_1 $ in $ D $ and $ c_1 \in C $ such that $ F(c_1) = d_1 $, there exists an $ F $-cartesian edge $ \widetilde{e} \colon c_0 \to c_1 $ such that $ F(\widetilde{e}) = e $. If $ F^{op} $ is a Cartesian fibration, then we call $ F $ a coCartesian fibration.

  We denote the category of (co)cartesian fibrations over $ D $ by \(\text{(co)Cart}_{/D}\). The full subcategory of \(\text{(co)Cart}_{/D}\) whose morphisms preserve $ F $-(co)Cartesian arrows is denoted \((\text{(co)Cart}_{/D})_{\text{strict}}\). Let \((1\text{-(co)Cart}_{/D})_{\text{strict}}\) denote the corresponding category where we replace $ C $ by the nerve of an ordinary category $ O $. Likewise, let $ 1 $-Cat denote the category of ordinary categories.

  The following correspondence is referred to as straightening and unstraightening; we have stated it as in [1].

Theorem 3.1.   There exists a canonical equivalence between $ (1 \text{-coCart}_{/D})_{\text{strict}} $ and $ \text{Fun}(D, 1\text{-Cat}) $.

Proof. See theorem in [3] for a generalization. We will describe the correspondence here without proof.

  First fix \(F \in (1\text{-coCart}_{/D})_{\text{strict}}\). Then we get a functor of categories from $ D $ by taking for each $ d \in D $ the fiber $ F^{-1}(d) $.

  Now let \(\Phi \colon D \to 1\text{-Cat}\) be a functor. We can construct a coCartsesian fibration $ F \colon O \to D $ by letting $ O $ have objects $ (d, x) $ with $ d \in D $ and $ x \in \Phi(d) $, and by setting $ \text{Hom}_{O}((d_0, x_0), (d_1, x_1)) $ be pairs \(f \in \text{Hom}_D(d_0, d_1)\) and \(g \in \text{Hom}_{\Phi(d_1)}(\Phi_f(x_0), x_1)\). Q.E.D.

  Let $ F \colon C \to D $ and $ G \colon D \to C $ be functors of $ \infty $-categories. Lurie, 5.2.1 of [3], proves that $ G $ is equivalent to a Cartesian fibration $ p \colon M \to \Delta^1 $, where $ M_{{0}} $ (the fiber at $ 0 $) is equivalent to $ C $ and $ M_{{1}} $ is equivalent to $ D $. Likewise, $ F $ is equivalent to a (different) coCartesian fibration. Hence, we define an adjunction between $ C $ and $ D $ to be a map $ p \colon \mathcal{M} \to \Delta^1 $ with $ C \equiv M_{{0}} $, $ D \equiv M_{{1}} $, $ p $ is a Cartesian fibration, and $ p $ is a coCartesian fibration. If $ F $ and $ G $ are the induced functors, then we write $ F \dashv G $.

  Alternatively, a unit transformation for a pair of functors $ (F, G) $ (as above) is a map $ u \colon \text{id}_C \to G \circ F $ in $ \text{Fun}(C, C) $ such that, for every $ c \in C $ and $ d \in D $, the composition

\[\text{Hom}_D(F(c), d) \to \text{Hom}_C(G(F(c), G(d))) \to \text{Hom}_C(c, G(d))\]

is an isomorphism in the homotopy category.

Theorem 3.2.   $ F \dashv G $ if and only if there exists a unit transform.

Proof. See proposition in [3]. Q.E.D.

  Any functor $ F \colon C \to D $ induces $ F^* \colon \text{Fun}(D, E) \to \text{Fun}(C, E) $ by precomposition. The left (resp. right) adjoint of $ F^* $ is called the left (resp. right) Kan extension along $ F $; it is denoted \(\text{LKE}_F\) (resp. \(\text{RKE}_F\)).

4. dg and stable infinity categories

  A dg-category $ C $ over $ R $ is a category enriched over $ \text{Ch}(R) $. Set $ R = \mathbb{Z} $. Then, specifically, we require:

(i) For every $ X, Y \in C $ we have \(\text{Hom}_C(X, Y)_*\) is a chain complex of abelian groups:

\[\cdots \to \text{Hom}_C(X, Y)_1 \to \text{Hom}_C(X, Y)_0 \to \text{Hom}_C(X, Y)_{-1} \to \cdots\]

(ii) $ C $ is equipped with an (associative) composition law

\[\text{Hom}_C(Y, Z)_* \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} \text{Hom}_C(X, Y)_* \to \text{Hom}_C(X, Z),\]

such that that for every $ p, q $, there is a map

\[\text{Hom}_C(Y, Z)_p \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} \text{Hom}_C(X, Y)_q \to \text{Hom}_C(X, Z)_{p+q},\]

and these satisfy the Leibniz rule $ d(g \circ f) = dg \circ f + (-1)^p q \circ df $.

Note that $ \text{Id}_X $ must be in $ \text{Hom}_C(X, X)_0 $, else composing with it would shift degrees.

  The dg-nerve of $ C $, $ N_{dg}(C) $, is a simplicial set constructed as follows. For each natural number $ n $, we set \(N_{dg}(C)_n\) to be the set of ordered pairs \((\{X_i\}_{0 \leq i \leq n}, \{f_I\})\), where \(X_i \in \text{Ob}(C)\) and $ I $ ranged over subsets

\[I = \{i_{-}, i_m, i_{m-1}, \dots, i_1, i_+ \} \subseteq [n]\]

with $ m \geq 0 $. We require $ f_I \in \text{Hom}(X_{i_-}, X_{i_+})_m $, with

\[d f_I = \sum_{i \leq j \leq m} (-1)^j (f_{I \setminus i_j} - f_{i_j < \cdots < i_1 < i_+} \circ f_{i_-, i_m, < \cdots < i_j}).\]

If $ \alpha \colon [m] \to [n] $ is nondecreasing, \(\alpha_* \colon N_{dg}(C)_n \to N_{dg}(C)_m\) is given by

\[( \{ X_i \}_{0 \leq i \leq n}, \{ f_I \}) \to ( \{ X_{f(j)} \}_{0 \leq j \leq m}, \{ g_J \} ),\]


\[g_J = \begin{cases} f_{\alpha(J)} & \text{if } \alpha \vert_J \text{ is injective}, \\ \text{Id}_{X_i} & \text{if } J = \{j, j'\} \text{ with } \alpha(j) = \alpha(j') = i, \\ 0 & \text{else}. \end{cases}\]

Example 4.1.   By definition, \(N_{dg}(C)_1\) are objects in $ C $. Likewise, \(N_{dg}(C)_1\) is the set the of morphisms \(f \in \text{Hom}_C(X, Y)_0\) such that $ df = 0 $. Finally, $ N_{dg}(C)_2 $ is the set of triples

\[f \in \text{Hom}_C(X, Y)_0, g \in \text{Hom}_C(Y, Z)_0, \text{ and } h \in \text{Hom}_C(X, Z)_0,\]

such that $ df = dg = dh = 0 $ and that there exist \(z \in \text{Hom}_C(X, Z)_1\) with $ dz = (g \circ f) - h $.

Theorem 4.2.   Let $ C $ be a dg-category. Then \(N_{dg}(C)\) is an $ \infty $-category.

5. References

  1. D. Gaitsgory and N. Rozenblyum, A study in derived algebraic geometry, volume I: Correspondences and duality, American Mathematical Society, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Volume 221, 2017.
  2. A. Krause and T. Nikolaus, Lectures on topological Hochschild homology and cyclotomic spectra, lecture notes.
  3. J. Lurie, Higher Topos Theory, Annals of Mathematics Studies, vol. 170, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2009.
  4. ————, Higher Algebra, 2017.
  5. ————, Kerodon. Link
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