The Gauss-Legendre algorithm

Lemma 3.1.   Let \(a_0 = a\) and \(b_0 = b\) as in definition 3.1. Set

\[S = a^2 - \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} 2^{n-1} \left( a_n^2 - b_n^2 \right).\]

Then \(E_S(a, b) = S F_S(a, b)\).

Proof. Consider the integral

\[L(a, b) = a^2 F_S(a, b) - E_S(a, b) \tag{2}\]

Explicitly, this expands to

\[L(a, b) = (a^2 - b^2) \int_0^{\pi/2} \frac{\sin^2 \theta}{\sqrt{a^2 \cos^2 \theta + b^2 \sin^2 \theta}} d \theta.\]

  Substituting \(x^2 = a^2 \cos^2 \theta + b^2 \sin^2 \theta\),

\[L(a, b) = \int_b^a \sqrt{\frac{a^2-x^2}{x^2-b^2}} dx.\]

Now substituting \(y = (x+ab/x)/2\) and considering the associated AM-GM sequence,

\[\begin{aligned} L(a, b) & = \frac{1}{2} \int_{b_1}^{a_1} \frac{(a^2 - b^2) + 4(a_1^2 - y^2)}{\sqrt{(a_1^2 - y^2)(y^2 - b_1^2)}} dy \\ & = \frac{1}{2} (a^2 - b^2) F_S(a, b) + 2 L(a_1, b_1), \end{aligned}\]

and thus

\[\frac{L(a, b)}{F_S(a, b)} = \frac{1}{2}(a_0^2 - b_0^2) + 2 \frac{L(a_1, b_1)}{F_S(a, b)}.\]

  Since \(2^n(a_n^2 - b_n^2) \to 0\), we get \(2^n L(a_n, b_n) \to 0\), and hence repeatedly applying this identity we get

\[L(a, b) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} 2^{n-1} (a_n^2 - b_n^2) F_S(a, b),\]

or equivalently

\[L(a, b) = - S F_S(a, b) + a^2 F_S(a, b).\]

Combining this equation with (2) gives us the result. \(\blacksquare\)